The Master's Programme consists of a communal first year intended to provide a background in the legal, economic, historical and political science fields necessary in the international or European context.
During the second year students complete a specialisation (‘track') in either International Relations or in European Studies.
In the International Relations (LM-52) track, students explore various issues, including international law related to the protection of human rights, the relationship between religion and international relations, economic and taxation issues, education and health, and the role of supranational institutions. Finally, students are offered a wide array of area-specific courses to specialize in, if they so choose. In particular, the International Relations track prepares students interested in pursuing a diplomatic career or in becoming officers or directors in international organizations, NGOs, international cooperation agencies, consulting agencies, journalism, research centers, and at high levels of public administration operating in an international context.
The European Studies (LM-90) track aims to train professionals with in-depth knowledge of the process of European integration and its current organization, with a particular focus on the structure and dynamics of EU functions, integration, the content of EU policy, and the EU's impact in national and international politics. Further opportunities for specialization present themselves during mandatory internships, as well as while working on the final dissertation and other research work.
Professionals that have graduated from either track are increasingly in demand by governments, businesses, and trade associations, not only at the supra-national level, but also at national, regional and local levels, both for interacting with European institutions and for drafting proposals for EU funding.
Students have access to the considerable resources available at the Library of Social Sciences in Novoli Campus (the second largest library in Florence in terms of volumes of books) and the vast network of European libraries accessible through the interlibrary loan service. Students can also take advantage of extensive resources available at the European Documentation Centre at the Library of Social Sciences. For research concerning their final dissertation, students can access the library of the European University Institute and the material of the archives of the European Union, both located in Florence.
The RISE Master's Programme is enriched by courses taught by holders of a Jean Monnet Chair:"Social Dimension and European Integration" (Prof. L. Leonardi); "EU Politics and Policies in the Contemporary World (Prof. V. Fargion). Further, the course on "Energy, Environment and European Security" taught by Profs. R. Bardazzi, M.G.Pazienza and A.Tonini is funded by the European Commission.
Since 2011-12, a student exchange programme exists between RISE students and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), the TongJi University of Shanghai and the Gdansk University of Technology with mutual recognition of the RISE Master and the Master's Degree in "International Relations" issued by the host universities. Students who apply and are selected for this programme will undertake the first year of study in Florence, and the second year in the chosen destination.
Since 2012, RISE Master allows students the opportunity to take courses entirely in English (referred as the English-only track). Upon successful completion of the RISE Master's programme, coursework in English will be recognized with a certificate added to the Master's degree (for more detailed information on courses, please refer to the Master's Programme website).
The English-only course of study is meant not only to improve language skills that are helpful to international work, but also to promote a multicultural environment that can attract a significant number of students from different countries, cultures, and academic traditions.
last update: 23-Oct-2019